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Author of In my son's Corner 


Accounting for IT Professionals


Chris Chinaire's latest Releases

In my son's corner is a father’s perspective on the complex terrain a typical black boy navigates in London. Chris Chinaire provides a glimpse into the dynamics at play in black fatherhood. The book will take you on a whirlwind tour of London—a pluralistic yet restrictive metropolis, where racism, now couched in politeness, still dictates the life of many a black immigrant boy. Chris explores a wide range of topics, from the pre-colonial history of Africa to love and modern dating and fashion, always toeing the thin line between the personal and the political.

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Information Technology (IT) and Accounting might be two very different fields, but, as IT expert and financial systems specialist Chris Chinaire shows you in this new manual, they intersect in a variety of ways. If you are an IT professional looking to advance in your career, the basics of accounting could be just what you need!

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